1. Opening
Hi There
It is a new semester with a new normal thing in our lives.
for those class x who has been begining this month, It is a new whole level for everyhting, our real life because of covid-19 is changing, so does with the way we learn and teaching, everything should doing in online form, we are using online flatform that can globally access by every students during the lesson.
One of the flatform is this blog.
I prepared this to talk about "how to indrocucing yourself to other and how to introducing your friend or your family to other as well.
Further more, in our lesson, as vocational high school student you are prepared to industries world. skill in English is one of the most important thing to prepare. This level, students demand not only talk about theirselves more than that student demand to be able to explain and promote their product in the future.
When we talk about our selves, undirectly we talk about our product.
Voicational students prepared to have a ready skill that will use in industries connected to your majority. in this case, If you are a tourism student means that you have to master English in tourism, so does with technology and art student as well, you guys prepared to master English in Technology and art as well.
2. How to Introduce your self.
In doing this you need to master at least Simple present tense, present continouos tense and Simple past tense.
I believe in your previous school, your teacher had teach you about those. But let me tell you one more time about those 3 tenses that we will use in our daily conversation.
A. Simple Present Tense
B. Present Continuous Tense
C. Simple Past Tense
Further more,
When you have to introduce yourself, these videos will help you to learn about it.
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