Selasa, 07 April 2020

How to do a story telling?

What is there on your mind when i say "story telling".
probably you will say, it is someting hard to do because im not English mother tongue person,
it is something uneasy to do because it is really difficult to say something in English, except you remembered those words first, right?

well, as Indonesian Person, of course those are true, but those arent impossibble as well,
so how you can do a Story telling?
there are several things you should do for the beginning :

1.  Learning of right English

you know what? alot of people here in Indonesia learn about English, but they didnt learn about the right English, the right English means, the English rules that already set for the foreign, start from the basic, try to understand grammatically correct sentences, try to remember alot of vocabularies, try to pronunce them correctly, try to listen alot of conversations that English based. and of course try to remember and differenciate of regular and irregular verb, more over, learn how to use them in a sentence.

2. Practicing

it is impossibble to do a story telling without practicing, so practice is the another key to do a story telling. as they said "practice makes perfect"

3. Confidency

here is the biggest problem among us, whe  we know about grammar, we practice alot, but still there is no confidency of our selves, it wont work....

try to feel comfort with your self, try to manage ur selves well, then dressed well, speak well, attitude well, finally you will reach your confidency.

These videos below are the compilation of Xth grade of Metland School, they struggling to learn, they did alot of efforts to practice and they got their confidency...
eventhough alot of grammar misseds, or incorrect pronunciation, but they were do their best... that is the most amazing thing....


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